Bulbophyllum Care Tips


Bulbophyllum orchids, Also referred to as”Bulbos,” would be the greatest genius of orchids with greater than 2000 species. They’re named after their bulbous leaves and also are famous for using an amazing array of flower shapes and colors.

The bizarre species are considered to be more Excellent specimens for orchid lovers and flower enthusiasts all over the earth.

As always, let us begin by taking a look at the conditions in that they grow in the wild.


Bulbophyllum care

We could break this environment down into A couple of diverse factors:


Bulbophyllum orchids like mild to Bright light, with the dawn being the best time for getting sunlight.

You ought to try to safeguard your Bulbophyllum plant from Direct sunshine around mid-day when the sun is too intense. This is not essential on cloudy days and after 3 pm.

Depending upon the species, Bulbos can withstand lower lighting conditions. But you will see less flowering if that’s how it is.



Finding the proper Fever is probably the trickiest part for growers of Bulbos. Most species such as intermediate to warm temperatures.

But, Because of Their capability to grow in Diverse habitats, you should check specific guidelines for your species you’re attempting to cultivate. It’s possible to use the website orchidspecies.com to inspect the weather attributes for your specific Bulbos plant.

Species that grow in high altitudes require temperatures of approximately 60 F. People who rise near the equator and prefer a hot climate, such as Bulbophyllum cumingii, have a tendency to thrive should retain at about 75F to 85F.

No Matter species prevent putting Your orchid near any cold draft of air, since this may damage your plant life.



Almost all species of Bulbophyllum enjoy To stay in a high humidity environment, and also the overall recommendation is the humidity should be around 60 percent. However, many manufacturers have discovered their Bulbos seem to endure humidity as little as 18%.

The Key is to maintain regular Watering of this plant and also to weed the orchid at a high water-retention moderate.

Bulbophyllum has nice root systems That generally require moisture at all times.


These orchids need frequent watering, although You Ought to adjust watering whether the species You’re growing originates in regions that have dry periods. You should normally water a potted Bulbophyllum repeatedly every week, and mounted on ones daily.

If you have planted your Bulbophyllum in bark, it is going to require more frequent watering, as bark tends to dry faster. On the flip side, when you have implanted your orchid in moss mix, check that the moss has just dried, before watering it.

To begin flowering, some types of Bulbophyllum demand a period of time of drought. Keep in mind that these really are epiphytic plants, plus they’ve adapted to drought involving the rainfalls. You can also use combinations of them, sometimes with an extra underside layer of charcoal.

Potting mix

When Deciding on the potting mixture for the Orchid, you ought to keep in mind that the roots like to remain moist. If you reside in a country having light summer temperatures, then fine bark could be the ideal medium for your Bulbophyllum orchid. By comparison, a medium-sized orchid mix works best if you reside in a country with sexy summer months.

If you are thinking about creating a beautiful mounted display along with your Bulbos, then you may utilize tree fern, cork, or Styrofoam. While many orchids are epiphytic, mounting is a much-preferred cultivation method for several species.

Most Bulbophyllums have little follicles, and You should plant them in a shallow pot, if not mounted. Some species have very long rhizomes, and potting will depend on this.


For example an epiphytic plant within their natural Habitat, Bulbos have an extensively developed system of rather fine roots. In the event you re-pot the orchid without appropriate maintenance, you can certainly hurt its delicate root system.

Re-potting is not generally advised. However, if you need to, repot your Bulbophyllum every two to three years between August and January.

You are able to check out our re-potting guide for detail by detail guidelines.


Bulbophyllum blooms

The Fantastic news about these figurines is the fact that they Generally bloom throughout every season, together with just one of 2 more showy and blossoms that are significant. Once the Bulbophyllum flowers appear, they often last between one and six weeks, depending upon the species.

If you don’t see flowering occurring for Some moment, the trick is to maneuver your orchid into your richer position or suspend pruning to get somewhat, depending upon the orchid type.


Bulbophyllum love routine, Slow-release fertilizers, particularly during the summer months. Between August and January, the very ideal type of fertilizer is full of nitrogen, while phosphorus-rich fertilizers would be most useful throughout late summer and fall.

You can utilize a pound power fertilizer once a week through the summer, and you can use that Spray fertilizer occasionally. Throughout cold temperatures, add fertilizer roughly once a month.

We recommend printing off it and keeping It by your orchid. Please talk about it in case you will find it useful!


Often Asked Questions

Have about these weird and great orchids:

My Bulbophyllum Orchid Smells Bad, Is This Normal?

The blossoms of the Bulbophyllum orchid Are known for occasionally producing disagreeable scents to entice pollinators. Some notorious smells are those of meat or garbage!

There is nothing wrong with your plant If you see this, and hopefully, the smell will not dissuade you by appearing after your plant.


What Are Some Unusual Bulbophyllums I Can Grow?

Bulbophyllums medusae, also called Medusa orchid, is named after the Greek mythology female character Medusa. The visual appeal of this orchid’s flower, using long narrow sepals, looks like the snakes on Medusa’s heads.

Bulbophyllums flabellum-Veneris

Bulbophyllum Echinolabium is actually a common Bulbo for first-time growers. It has quite a distinctive blossom shape with very elongated underside petals and a glowing orange hint.

Bulbophyllum longissimum is an exotic Orchid originally from Thailand, with a semicircular blossom structure and long shiny leaves. The inflorescences extend out of the plant, making the blossoms look as though they have been floating.

The Cirrhopetalum Elisabeth Ann’ Buckleberry’, and it is just actually a hybrid of the Bulbophyllum longissimum and Cirrhopetalum longissimum, is just another incredible specimen plant.

Just how Do I Get Rid of Fungus on My Bulbophyllums Orchid?

Due to the high humidity that Bulbos Prefer, they are often very susceptible to fungus. Work with a fungicide spray each month in your own Bulbophyllum plant, especially during the summer months.

Make Certain You keep your plant in a Well-ventilated space as inferior ventilation may bring about stool development.


10 photos to Bulbophyllum Care Tips
