Monstera Standleyana Care Tips


We’ve discussed Some of the Monsteras Up till today. Here is just another with its exquisite variegated appearance. Monstera standleyana is an uncommon exotic A-Roid climber. The plant does pretty well in both indoor and outdoor surroundings.

The dark green elongated leaves have stripped and speckled white variegation. This really is a great selection for pots and hanging baskets.

It was G.S Bunting who clarified the plant at the calendar year 1967. Indigenous areas of the plant include Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Panama. Why don’t we know more about the easy-to-care, fast-paced, Standleyana plant alongside its maintenance and propagation?

Monstera Standleyana Classification

Family: Araceae.

Species: M. standleyana.

Genus Monstera

Monstera comprises around 50 flowering Plant species. The Latin word’Monstera’ comes from’Monstrous’ or unnatural.

That is with regard to this exceptional look of leaves with natural holes or slits in them. Most of those American sailors are evergreen plants, vines, or herbaceous shrubs.

  • Five holes plant.
  • Philodendron standleyana.
  • Philodendron Cobra.

Due to this close resemblance with Philodendrons, this plant is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a philodendron or even Philodendron Cobra. Howbeit, both these names don’t have any scientific authentication.

Top Features of the Monstera Standleyana Plant

Height and Structure

  • The height and spread of the plant are all varying and Depend upon the house place. At a terrestrial in-door pot, the plant remains around 3 to 5 feet. As the width is approximately 3 feet.
  • If permitted to grow publicly, the plant also reaches a height of over 20 feet.
  • The plant can be an upright climber.
monstera standleyana


  • Surprisingly, the leaves remain upright even if the plant is in scaling shape. Moreover, they grow within an alternate pattern over the stem.
  • Each leaf is approximately 5 to 9 inches in length and about 4 inches wide.

Root construction

The underground origins Will Need to be in a Spacious place. What’s more, these plants aren’t root-bound.


Exactly like some other Monsteras, this plant is also toxic in nature. So, keep your children and pets away from their store.

Monstera Standleyana Variegated Plants

Generally, the Standleyana plant has Some white specks on the foliage.

However, there are some variegated forms as well, which contain different variegation as compared to original plant. Importantly, the arrangement and the rest of the options that come with most the Variegated

Monstera standleyana forms will be the same as the parent plant.

  • Monstera standleyana Variegated White has prominent white variegated specks over the foliage. The leaves along with the stalks show outstanding white variegation.
    Monstera standleyana Variegated Yellow has exceptional and gorgeous variegation in yellow or cream tones. The variegation includes scattered yellow specs, stripes, and much more prominent variegated foliage components.
  • This plant is pretty much like this Monstera standleyana Variegata White, however, the variegation from the Albo plant consists of complete portions/bands of white discoloration.

Monstera Standleyana Care

We typically urge these easy-to-care Standleyana plants for inexperienced Monstera lovers.

Water Monstera Requirement

The Simple way for watering is to Water liberally and letting the dirt get slightly dry between your intervals. Around schedule is thrice a week in summer and once weekly in winter.

Significantly, these crops do not want to be overwatered. Any standing water at the base will result in root rot as well as similar issues such as yellow and limp foliage.

Sunlight Monstera Requirement

Keep them in bright indirect sun. In addition, keep them away from sunlight as the fierce sun can scorch the Monstera standleyana leaves.

We get common questions regarding the curling of the Monstera standleyana Leaves. This can be really a symptom of overexposure to light and the leaves are probably calling out to assistance. Just alter the bud’s place and move it to a less bright location. In a day or two, you may realize your plant baby becoming healthy.

Temperature Monstera Requirement

The optimum temperature range for the monstera standleyana is between 16 to 25 °C. What’s more, these plants do not enjoy cold and are not frost hardy.

Soil Requirement

Monsteras generally like light and free-draining soil. The perfect PH is between 5 to 7.5. Moreover, we’ve found a great effect of having barky soil.

Humidity Monstera Requirement

Just like additional Monsteras, these crops Love humidity. On dry days, you can increase the moisture level from ordinary moderate misting. Moreover, you may use measures like adding a pebble-water tray and a humidifier across the monstera standleyana.
The inadequate humidity level can be understood by the unfresh overall look of their leaves.

Fertilizer Monstera Requirement

Everyone enjoys the Excess snacks only Just like the Monstera standleyna plants. A house plant fertilizer mix within the diluted form is acceptable for monthly use in summer and spring.
Howbeit, stop pruning the plant after the autumn arrives. The plants do not require any added nutrition during rainy times.

Monstera Potting

With drainage holes at the base. Furthermore, an additional service will work amazing things for the vine.

Air-pressure monstera

The roots of Monsteras are rooted And can not bear strong drift and air pressure. Thus, stay away from keeping them a range of intense air exposure.

monstera standleyana

Repotting Monstera Requirement

The plants such as Free-moving follicles in Spacious baskets. Check the bottom of the pots every year. If you find the roots are coming from the drainage holes or getting closely packed indoors, look at re-potting to a larger pot.

Cleansing Monstera Requirement

Experts advocate keeping the leaves Clean to support nutritious growth. Frequent misting and cleaning will likely be ideal for healthy foliage.

Growth Zone Monstera

Outdoors, the plant is suitable in USDA Zone 9a to 11b. Howbeit in patios, the plant can do pretty well throughout zone 4a to 1 1.

Monstera Standleyana Propagation

Just like other members of the genus, You are able to spread the plant from stem tip cuttings of a mature monstera standleyana.

The spring days are Great for propagation.

  • Just take a healthier healthy plant and then cut roughly 8 inches cutting against the stem tip.
  • The cutting should have at least two nodes and airborne roots.
  • Remove the leaves from the lower side, maintaining at 2 to 3 at the top
  • Plant the cutting about 3 inches deep in moist soil or potting mixture. Make sure that you keep the node and the root at least 3 inches under the soil.
  • Simply place the pot at a spot indirect light and warm water regularly.
  • Root development takes roughly thirty days. And also you also may notice the shoot creation in a month or longer.

May I spread the Monstera standleyana at Water?

Yes, you may! It’s possible to propagate the cutting in water as well. After the development of roots and take, you can convert to water. Some people today love keeping them in water and the results are pretty amazing.

Overview monstera

Monstera standleyana Can Be the exotic Flowering Aroid vine. The dark-green oval elongated leaves seem beautiful with White-speckled variegation. It is Acceptable for both indoor and outside Surroundings.

The Monstera standleyana Care Incorporates bright indirect lighting, High humidity, and frequent generous watering with slight drying intervals. This plant features numerous species that are parasitic. Additionally, It’s toxic in nature.

Briefly about Monstera standleyana:

Great rarity. Strong rooted cuttings.

Monstera description

Monster STANDLEYANA or Philodendron COBRA is a rare, collectible variety that belongs to the Aroideae family.

Leaves are elongated, eliptic, dark green with random spotted and/or striped white-yellow variegation.

Monstera maintenance

Monstera is beloved by florists not only for its unusual decorative and useful qualities but also because it is easy to grow and propagate. Preferable for her will be conditions of maintenance close to the natural environment of growth in nature.

In nature, the liana weaves along the trunks of trees and is in the scattered shade of their crowns, so it prefers shady, but well-lit places.

Bright sun can burn the leaf plate, and deep shade depresses the growth of the plant, up to a complete stoppage of development. This will not lead to the death of the monstera, but it will not be able to show all it is luxury and beauty.

Especially the variegated species of liana depend on the amount of light, if there is little light, the leaves can lose their decorativeness and become monochromatic green color.

The plant gets used to the place of its location and does not respond well to the movement, even slight turns of the flower pot can suspend the growth of the liana.

Therefore, it is better to choose for her a permanent place, protected from drafts and located not on the aisle, where the monster can be injured.

Temperatures of maintenance

The temperature maintenance mode of the monster, when cared for at home, should be between 10-24ºC. Too sudden changes in temperature it reacts calmly, the plant responds only to prolonged exposure to changes in air temperature. At high temperatures the liana develops intensively and productively, the main thing is to have sufficient humidity. With a decrease in air temperature, its growth and development are suspended. It spends time in relative rest until the temperature rises enough to resume growth.

Monstera likes tropical, humid air. Its large leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, so regular moistening of the leaf plate is essential. You can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and moisten them. To shine the glossy surface of the leaf plate, you can add milk to the wiping water.

monstera standleyana

Watering during the growth period should be intense, without drying out the soil, and moderate while the plant is dormant.

For good growth and preservation of decorativeness monstera standleyana, when caring at home, needs periodic fertilizing with fertilizers, which include mineral and organic substances. It is better to use fertilizers for ornamental-growing plants.


Fertilizing should be done once a week in summer and once every two to three weeks in winter.

Take care of the airy roots: Airy roots are used to nourish and moisten the plant so even if they don’t add to the decoration, they should not be removed. In order not to spoil the overall picture they can be collected and tied to the trunk or wrapped in wet moss.

While watering the liana, it is desirable to moisten the air roots, such additional nutrition will ensure the good health of the whole plant.

Young, rapidly growing plants need to be replanted regularly and often enough, at least once a year, and in some cases every six months. The volume of the pot should be increased with each repotting. Monstera has powerful roots, which will need a lot of space, so the pot should be wide and deep.

One-third of the pot is filled with quality drainage, and as soil, it is better to take a mixture of turf, peat, sand, and humus. You can use a ready-made soil mixture for aroids.

Why is it called Monster standleyana, also known as Philodendron Cobra?

I can’t say for sure, but I’m guessing because the leaves are more Phil-like in shape, but the growth form is more appropriate for monsters
(Although there may be another reason.)
The trick here is the beautiful coloring.
I think – absolutely green in principle it does not happen (I have not seen such)
But here can be different – from weak (not on every leaf) to bright, motley-white-yellow, as on this plant.
Monstera standleyana is not uncommon and widespread in collections.
It is not demanding in care, although it does not grow very fast.


10 photos to Monstera Standleyana Care Tips

monstera standleyana