Cat Palm Care Tips


Cat palm (Cataractarum Palm or Chamaedorea cataractarum) care

After we decided to Purchase a fresh indoor palm tree because of our family space, we can not pick between your cat palm or even the majesty cat palm. They are both gorgeous house plants, but we wanted something which has been simple to take good care of and experienced a very really fantastic likelihood of succeeding.

cat palm care

So, which is greater — cat palm or majesty palm? For a house plant, the cat palm could be the obvious winner.

Majesty’s hands are much more challenging to stay fit inside and the worries frequently cause yellowing leaves and also a diminishing appearance. Plus, it’s prone to pests such as spider mites.

Cat palm, alternatively, thrives inside under the ideal conditions.

Let us compare Both of These palms in order to make an educated choice, and I will explain why we picked that cat palm across the majesty.

In-door Cat Palm Care Difficulty

The cat palm is among those hardiest and simplest palm trees to develop Inside. It’s a portion of this graceful parlor palm (Chamaedorea) species, also known for their usage in ancient parlors. With bright indirect light and evenly moist ground, these hands will flourish without a great deal of fuss.

All arches palms create good House Plants — thus the frequent name of these species.” Other forms consist of the Neanthe PAL M, Bamboo hands, and Grass-leafed casing hands.

Even the majesty palm, Alternatively, Requires quite glowing light or full sun, a great deal of drinking water, routine misting, and heavy ingesting. Normally grown outside in tropical climates, the majesty hand is really imperial — but only as long as its maintenance conditions are met. And also this is challenging to attain inside.

Without appropriate maintenance, the majesty hand Grows yellow and withered leaves, brown foliage ideas, or perhaps discard its leaves thoroughly. Without sufficient humidity and moisture, the plant will probably die and prosper.

Exactly the exact same might be said for cat palm naturally, however it’s simpler to stay healthy like a house plant.

It is not hopeless to increased majesty PAL-M inside, however, it isn’t for beginners. If you are searching for an easy-to-grow PAL-M, we urge a stair palm (such as cat palm) alternatively. If you don’t search for a struggle — afterward majesty is just actually really a fantastic option.

Pests and Diseases

Diseases seldom influence these It’s ironic, but a lot of house plant growers I have spoken with over time have noticed that the situation more commonly than majesty hand than other kinds of hands.

Because majesty palms desire additional regular Watering and higher humidity, so it’s simpler to inadvertently allow them dry outside. Spider mites prefer moist states and will infest the contaminated fronds once the humidity is too minimal. You might have to mist the fronds every 2 to three days to maintain humidity.

cat palm care

In case majesty hands will become infested with Spider mites, simply take it outdoors and squirt it down with a hose to clear away the pests. Spraying using warm, soapy water every couple of weeks may also assist in preventing infestation.

Category, since it does not need frequent misting to stop spider pests — despite the fact that it’s vulnerable also. A loofah placed near majesty hands can stop the demand for misting, therefore it’s not quite a tie.

Nevertheless, the anecdotal signs that majesty palms bring fleas More usually pushed us on the border toward cat palm.

Growth and Size Indoors

Increase and Size Inside Feet tall — developing a gorgeous display for corridors, entryways, or parlors, and sitting rooms. This plant produces a lovely decoration at a glowing corner during its summit elevation with no overly overwhelming or large.

cat palm care

Most indoor palms come gradually, such as It adheres well to container growing inside and will never have to be repotted usually.

Even the majesty palm may expand to over 18 ft tall when Given a big enough marijuana. Outdoors, it’s really an enormous shrub that may reach heights of over 80 feet.

Majesty develops quickly in contrast to almost every other indoor hands-on. But, restricting bud size can keep it a manageable elevation.

Considering that the cat palm does not achieve heights More compared to our ceilings gave it that the purpose for size and growth.


Cat palm is not fundamentally optimal lighting, moreover, it categorically does not accept aggressive sunlight, especially on hot summer days. Ideal light conditions for cat palm will be shade and partial shade. She feels great and good in low sunlight or bright diffused light, therefore, windows with a northern exposure will suit her.

Daylight hours for cat tropical palm in the spring and summer season should last at least 12-14 hours. In winter, the plant falls asleep and slows down growth, so light must be supplied to the tropical palm plants in the morning and afternoon hours.

Light partial shade with stable illumination will delight cat palms.

However, it is important to remember: the brighter the room, the higher the required temperature. In order to purposefully stimulate the growth of palm trees, they sometimes resort to temporarily forced shading of the crop, in order to subsequently give an impetus to growth and its activity.

It is possible to provide a proper impression of the palm plants from any angle if the symmetry of the cat palm tree is not disturbed.

To do this, once every 12-14 days, rotate the cat palm tree around you 180 °.

Temperature for cat palms

During the period of active development of cat palm, an average daily temperature is required that does not go beyond – 20-23 ° C. If the plant gets used to a slightly low or slightly elevated air temperature, then it is better not to subject cat palm to a sharp change in temperature conditions. Cat palms can be healthy and beautiful at both 19 ° C and 24 ° C.

On winter days, the palm tree needs to be kept in a cooler heat regime, but most importantly, stable. In winter, cat palm is able to withstand 15 – 17 ° C. For all varieties and types of palm trees, there is one important condition: the plants do not tolerate drafts, and therefore, when ventilating the room, the cat palm must be temporarily transferred to another room, or removed from the open window.

Indoor palms are badly affected by the dryness of the room air.

Watering indoor palms

Like all palms, cat palm loves water, but without over moistening the earthy coma and drying it out. It is important to ensure that the soil in the pot is always moist, but without excess. Thunderstorm showers or showers are a wonderful procedure for cat palms.

Regular watering is achieved by providing the plant with moisture at the same hours with soft, settled, or meltwater.

On summer days, it is better to water the palm in the morning or late evening, but not during the day.

This will prevent fungal diseases and the roots of the cat palm will not stand in dampness. Watering is carried out when the upper part of the earth dries out. It is necessary to give water to the cat palms from above since watering through the sump leaves the surface of the substrate dry.

The rest of the water must necessarily go down into the pan, and if the cat palms “does not drink” it in half an hour, then the rest of the liquid is drained. The root system of the cat palm will absorb as much water as it can absorb.

To avoid waterlogging, a layer of coarse pebbles is placed on the bottom of the pot to ensure proper drainage. In winter, the plant requires less water, and watering is done at any time of the day. In the warm season, cat palm is not indifferent to volumetric watering and spraying.

The rest of the water must necessarily go down into the pan, and if the cat palm “does not drink” it in half an hour, then the rest of the liquid is drained.

The root system of the cat palm will absorb as much water as it can absorb.

To avoid waterlogging, a layer of coarse pebbles is placed on the bottom of the pot to ensure proper drainage. In winter, the plant requires less water, and watering is done at any time of the day. In the warm season, cat palm is not indifferent to volumetric watering and spraying.

Reproduction of cat palm

Cat palms can be propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Sometimes reproduction is successful by separating the daughter individuals from the adult plant.

For this, the basal processes are isolated in a smaller container, and then follow the classic scenario of plant transplantation. It is important that new roots appear in children.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Updating cat palm by dividing the bush is one of the affordable and convenient ways.

Usually, this procedure is done during the transplantation of a palm tree, separating young shoots from an adult plant.

Following all the rules for transplantation, cat palm, propagated in this way, after three to four weeks is able to give a new impetus to growth and development.

A good sign of the survival rate of the cat palm will be the formation of a new green leaf.

Growing cat palm from seeds

With the seed method of reproduction of cat palm, due attention should be paid to the shelf life of the seeds: with each passing month, their germination decreases. The main thing that needs to be emphasized is sowing, germination, and picking.

The germination procedure is tedious and long, since seedlings may not appear for up to 8 months.

Fresh seeds germinate in warmth within a month. Seed fruits are soaked, to begin with for several days (4-6) in water, as this will help them germinate. The seed itself should be carefully filed, cutting through the hard upper shell.

Further, in small containers with earth, one seed is planted with the cut side down.

Germination of cat palm is long: from 7 to 9 months.

When the first leaf (1 inch) appears, the young plant can be transplanted into a larger container, but be careful with weak, delicate seedlings

Cat palm transportation

Exposure of the root system is a strong stress for any indoor plants and attempts to propagate cat palm can meet a variety of surprises. The seeds may simply not sprout, and the seedlings may not give the required development.

Given that cat palm grows slowly, the palm does not need to be disturbed by frequent transplants.

Cat palm gets a new boost when it is transplanted into a new potting mix.

All transplant work is suspended in the starting decade of summer and at first, the plant is shaded.

There is an established opinion that palms are not transplanted, but only transplanted, but due to the unpretentiousness of many varieties, most types of palms, on the contrary, feel better after transplanting.

Cat palm gets a new boost when it is transplanted into a new potting mix. All transplant work is suspended in the starting decade of summer and at first, the palm plants are shaded. There is an established opinion that palms are not transplanted, but only transplanted, but due to the unpretentiousness of many varieties, most types of palms, on the contrary, feel better after transplanting.

If the roots of the palm tree have braided the entire earthen lump, then you need to give the plant new soil and volume for further development. It is not necessary to completely destroy the entire earth-root “clot”.

It will be enough just to shake off the earth slightly and spread the roots a little.

Soil for cat palm

Each type of palm plant requires an individual earthen mixture, but the main component of the substrate for the proper development of the root system of the plant will be clay-soddy soil, which is slightly friable.

Drainage in the container is required. In old plants, the top layer of the earth is removed from time to time, replacing it with a fresh one.

Humus, peat, and perlite are added to the composition of the best soil mixture (1: 2: 2).


Many types of cat palms need regular, intensive feeding. Fertilizing the soil is more correct and most reasonable on warm days: this is the growing season from April to August.

It is best to add nutrients in moderate or low doses. Granular fertilizers are good for palm trees. The frequency of feeding is twice a month.

The most convenient feeding for cat palm will be liquid doses of organic mineral fertilizers.

Pruning the leaves of cat palm

As such, pruning of the leaves of cat palm does not need.

This is necessary primarily in order to remove damaged, dried, and diseased shoots. It is important to trim the leaves right at the base of the trunk.

Scissors are treated with alcohol and then cut with a fungicide.

Problems with keeping cat palm at home:

  • yellowing of the leaves indicates an excess of calcium in the ground;
  • the stuntedness and wilting of the leaf crown calls to pay attention to the temperature: it may be too low for the cat palm;
  • drying of leaves indicates dry air;
  • brown, reddish, or brown spots on the leaves can be the result of watering the cat palm in the bright sun, or because of water of increased hardness;
  • stopping the growth of cat palm occurs due to poor climatic conditions: the cat palm lives at low air temperatures. Lack of nutrition has a similar effect on the appearance of a bamboo palm tree.

The benefits and harms of cat palms

Cat palms effectively clean the air space from dust, tobacco smoke, pungent odors, formaldehyde compounds, perfectly neutralizing toxic substances in the air.

She does a good job of humidifying the indoor air. For pets, the cat palm tree is not dangerous.

Cat palm is a wonderful decoration for apartments and houses. The plant is best positioned for cozy landscaping in the living room or hallway. In the summertime, the verandas and attics for the Cat palms will be an ideal place to stay. Cat palm has a positive effect on the emotional world of a person with its aesthetics, green color, and beauty.

Despite the natural compactness, Cat Palms Graceful will fit into any interior with the most colorful and daring directions. On average, cat palms acquire their decorative value by the age of 5.

Ultimara Decision

We chose upon the cat palm rather than the majesty. Both are amazing houseplants, however, in comparison with the cat palm Arrived beforehand for all these motives:

  • Much Simpler to look after inside
  • Less susceptible to spider mites and other insects
  • Slower, more manageable expansion

In the Regions of maintenance issue, insects, There is no competition.

Unless you are a proficient, experienced grower searching for a battle, we urge cat palm or someone of those additional easy-to-grow parlor palms across the majesty.

Are You Prepared to Incorporate a parlor hand into Your own house plant collection?

cat palm care

We had been therefore delighted about what we received. It’s possible to discover some quite excellent deals on several different parlor hands by shopping on the web. Just click the to understand what’s available at the moment on Amazon.

Related Questions Indoor vegetation?

Yes, even the cat palm creates a fantastic indoor house plant. It’s easy to look after — just needing glowing light, medium to high humidity, and equally moist dirt with intermittent feedings.

It’s a broad disperse and develops as much as 5 feet tall, which makes it a fantastic selection for spaces.

Plus, it has really an excellent air cleaner.

Which are a few advantages Of cat palms?

All these Lovely house plants purify the atmosphere, are simple to cultivate (even for newbies ), accommodate Well to indoor states, and so, therefore, are nonstandard for dogs and cats.

They reside for A long time with appropriate care.

And on Top of That, they could provide any area in Your own home a tropical texture — notably large, bare corners which make loads of sun.


10 photos to Cat Palm Care Tips

cat palm care